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Greenhouse • Vertical Farm • Aquaculture • Livestock


The Greenhouse horticulture sector is leading the way in sustainability and the trend of switching to energy-neutral, smart agricultural systems. As an individual grower you simply can't compare all the available solutions with each other and you can't test the fixtures and software thoroughly in a lab before you buy. We support the grower in this process, because we offer a one-stop solution in response to your specific wishes and needs.


Begin your own success story now and contact us as a valuable partner with technical know-how about LED horticulture lighting.

Vertical farm

Vertical farming system means higher productivity in a smaller area. Its indoor environments enabling a consistent year-round crop production. It maximizes production by better use of space and less resource waste to achieve higher yield than usual.


With its energy-dependent feature that lighting needed for multiple layers of crops, that is, our extensive lighting expertise can help growers for the optimum solution on setting up their vertical farming system to control the cost with keeping the most profitable yield.


With the global demand for fish likely to grow by 50% by 2050, Aquaculture will be an effective solution as, with optimum setup, it will allow farmers to farm responsibly while achieving higher production, better yield.  Our aquaculture lighting achieves an optimum lighting environment for enhancing fish production, protecting its well-being, while reducing production costs and increasing revenue.

Begin your own success story now and contact us as a valuable partner with the technical know-how you need for optimum LED aquaculture lighting.


Research findings show that correct lighting can make animals calmer, help them put on weights (for turkeys and chicken) or produce more milk (for milking cows). Ensuring animal comfort and positive physiological responses, will optimize livestock development and welfare for better yield.

Contact us to begin your own success story now. Our technical know-how and LED livestock lighting can address all your specific needs.

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